Thursday, April 20, 2017

Foundations Blog 3

Today we talked about professional development. Something that I have wondered about our program is why we have so many volunteer hours that we have to sign up for. The PT program does not have to keep a list of volunteer hours, nor are they required to do as many as we are. This is all information that I have heard, but it could be different now. Thankfully it was described today as to why we have so many hours to keep track of and participate in. It is for our a professional development. This is a key part of keeping our liscensure from the sate and NBCOT. As well as, being a active learner to further our knowledge and understanding. Professional development keeps OTs in line with new research established and helps keep them from any ethical dilemmas that they may face. The hours of service that we take part in help to further our knowledge and hone or clinical eye. Professional development=great idea.

1 comment:

  1. Such a great reminder. We have to see the big picture of the greater purpose knowing that each requirement is there to help us be the best that we can be. Great post!
