Thursday, April 27, 2017

Blog 5-Activity Analysis

This was by far a great day! I loved sitting down to learn how an activity is described....step by step. in my group we learned how to: make lemonade, make a friendship bracelet, have a Nerf gun war, make a PB&J, and make a paper crown. The one that changed my life was  "how to make a PB&J." We were instructed to get bread out and we could put PB on one side or both. I have always been a  one sided PB person. I decided to try the two sides of PB. The two side of PB keeps the jelly from sinking into the bread. We all placed jelly on our bread and prepared to devour our creation. It was amazing!! I have never tasted anything so amazing. I learned a new way to make a sandwich today. I did struggle with the friendship bracelet. I have made them before but this was a new way. I could not wrap my mind around how the fingers, stings, and motions all related. This activity had to be graded down for me. After about 5 minutes I understood the technique and was able to complete my bracelet. The other activities will be great to take and place in a folder of OT ideas. I can not wait to use these ideas and my experiences to see how OT can apply in all situations.

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