Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Woody Guthrie

Woody Guthrie live a fulfilling life, by following his passion for music. He love to travel and play music. He was diagnosed later in life. It is thought that his mother had Huntington's Disease. She was placed in a metal institution for the remained of her life. Woody is quoted as saying, "I think I have what my mom has." That has to be a tough realization, to see the tough time his mom had with what could have been HD and to then realize that he will be living it. However OT helped with some of Woody's symptoms. Surprisingly enough, music was a therapy they used. They did want him to have a consistent schedule, because this helps to control HD, but Woody did not listen. I can not imagine what life would look like being diagnosed with a disease that can show up at anytime and can progress over night.

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