Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Leadership Summit

I meet with three other students this week to discuss my next group session. I will be leading this session alone, which is a little nerve racking. We all discussed each other’s protocol and how others have led the groups. I found this time to be extremely helpful! After my first draft was reviewed, I had a few areas to improve. My main focus was to improve my goals and how I would assess each participants involvement in the group. My goals were “all or nothing goals,” meaning my goals left little room for choice. What if the client didn’t want to do something, then they wouldn’t meet the goal. I changed these goals to make them easier to apply to the group, but still measurable and achievable. The other area I needed to improve was how to measure each participants participation and success in meeting the goals in the class. A suggestion was made to have checklist. I am going to try this; however, I don’t want it to be something elaborate. I do not want it to distract from the session. I am going to have names written down and use check marks for goals that are met. I am excited about this group facilitation. I think it is going to be thought provoking and inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. Virginia- First thank you for your honesty and humility in all that you do, including in your post. I really do appreciate (and I know that your peers do too) how hard you work to produce quality work. Because I am reading this after you facilitated your group, I can attest to the success of the changes and improvements you made to the sections you mention here. Your group protocol and the facilitation were exceptional (and your feedback and grade reflect as such). Well done!
    Professor Sasse
