Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Foundations debriefing

I loved this class!! This was the best class to get your "feet wet" with OT. I loved learning the history to actually working though an activity or a profile of an individual. I like that we started with the history of OT. It was a great way to see why we do what we do today and to see how OT has changed over the years. It was great to see the ebb and flow of concepts through the years. My overall favorite activity was the activity analysis. I loved thinking outside the box on an activity that could be used and how to break down all the steps. It was a difficult project, but I loved it. I wish we had more hands on experience with the profile. This is a foundational tool to the OT process and I want to learn more about it and be able to understand it's use in correlation with another individual. I am really sad to have this class end. I wish there was a class like foundations every semester (there may be and I am just not there yet). I will miss this class, but I am excited to see what the next semester of OT school holds.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to see it end, too, Virginia, but am so grateful to be able to continue to learn alongside you and your classmates in other courses. So many exciting things ahead!!
